Over the last two weeks we’ve had over 150,000 signups to RefME from students all over the world! We’re now reaching out to everyone who’s using RefME to spread the word and in doing so, save students everywhere from referencing hell.
As a rep you’ll get your own personalised link to RefME.com that you can share with your friends and others via social media, email, reddit etc.
You’ll earn £1.00 (or $1.50 if you prefer) each time someone signs up to RefME through your link.
You’ll have your very own login to our custom built reps’ dashboard, letting you grab your link and track your clicks, unique signups and earnings.
How do I get set up and start earning?
1. Read through the Key T’s & C’s at the bottom of this page
2. Complete the short signup form by clicking ‘Sign up and Get Started!’
3. Once signed up, follow the instructions on the confirmation screen (also shown further down on this page)
Once signed up
1. Login to [http://reps.refme.com](http://reps.refme.com/) to get your tracked link, start sharing and track your progress
2. For detailed instructions on how to do this please see the RefME Reps guide on the [Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/700942499981537/)
T’s & C’s
1. There are two ways in which someone can sign up through your link
a) Someone clicks on your link on a mobile device, downloads the app and signs up on their mobile.
b) Someone clicks your link on a computer, signs up to RefME.com and authenticates their account by clicking the link in the confirmation email.
2. You need to be a current student aged over 18+ (or a committee member of an official student group) to become a RefME rep
3. You need to add [Alison RefME](https://www.facebook.com/AlisonRefME) as a friend on Facebook and request to join the RefME Reps Facebook group.
4. You need to get a minimum of 10 tracked signups before 15th Dec 2014 in order to be paid
5. You’ll be paid during the first week commencing 15th of December via Paypal – we’ll notify you when it’s time to provide your Paypal details
6. You must share your unique link to RefME on your personal Facebook profile at least once and not delete it
7. We monitor all signups closely. If we suspect that any of your signups are fraudulent (i.e One person signing up more than once) we reserve the right to remove these from your total and subsequently terminate your account.