If your coursework took you to a museum or on some other field trip, you may have come away with a pamphlet/brochure, filled with information that will come in handy for your paper or project. Guess what? You can cite directly from that pamphlet!

Citing a primary document like a pamphlet might seem tricky if you’re used to only citing books, journal articles, or websites. But have no fear — the process is actually quite similar to what it would be for citing a book!

Below, we’ve demonstrated how to cite a pamphlet in three commonly used citation styles: Harvard referencing style, MLA format, and APA format. To make the process even simpler, we’ve cited the same example in all three styles. Our example is the pamphlet “All Our Stories”, a tour material disseminated by the London Transport Museum. 

Track down the following details before you cite the pamphlet: 

  1. Pamphlet’s author (could be an individual, group, or organization)
  2. Pamphlet title 
  3. Publication date of the pamphlet
  4. Publisher
  5. URL of the website on which you found the pamphlet (only needed if found on the web)
  6. City where the pamphlet’s publisher is located


Structure to follow to cite a pamphlet in Harvard referencing style:
Last name, First Initial. or Name of the Organization That Published the Pamphlet. (Year of Publication). Title of Brochure. [format]. Venue, Collection, Location.

Here’s how we’d cite our example in Harvard referencing style: 
Bramble, C. (n.d.) All Our Stories. [pamphlet]. London Transport Museum, London.


Structure to follow to cite an online pamphlet in MLA format:
Author’s Last Name, First Name or Organization That Created the Pamphlet. Pamphlet Title. Publisher,* Publication Date, URL. (do not include http:// or https:// in the citation). Pamphlet.

*IMPORTANT: If the author is unknown, or the organization that published and wrote the document are the same, the organization that published the document should go in the “publisher” slot and the citation entry should begin with the title of the document. 

If in print:

If you found the pamphlet in print, you will end the citation with the medium (i.e. pamphlet, brochure, etc.) and a period. Do not include the URL in this instance.

Here’s how the example above would appear in MLA formatting

Bramble, Carol. All Our Stories. London Transport Museum, www.ltmuseum.co.uk/assets/ltm_docs/learning/All_Our_Stories_tour_leaflets.pdf. Pamphlet.


Structure to follow to cite an online pamphlet in APA format:
Author’s Last Name, First Initial.  Middle Initial. or Name of Organization. (Publication year of the pamphlet). Pamphlet title [Brochure]. Retrieved from URL of the webpage

Structure to follow to cite a pamphlet in APA style if found in print:

Author’s Last name, First Initial. Middle Initial. or Name of Organization. (Publication year of the pamphlet). Pamphlet title [Brochure]. Publishing City, State Abbreviation or Country: Publisher.

Below, see how our example pamphlet would look when cited in APA style: 

Bramble, C. All Our Stories [Brochure]. Retrieved from www.ltmuseum.co.uk/assets/ltm_docs/learning/All_Our_Stories_tour_leaflets.pdf

Cite This For Me tools can also cite sources in Chicago style format and thousands of other styles. Whether you need to complete an annotated bibliography or generate an in-text citation, there are bibliographic resources for you!

How do I format a works-cited-list entry for a pamphlet in MLA style?

According to the MLA handbook, use the following format to create a works-cited entry for a brochure or a pamphlet. You will need the title, publisher, and the year (if it is available).


Title. Publisher, Year (if available). Type (Brochure or Pamphlet)


A Guide To Ornithology. International Ornithologists’ Guild, 2003. Pamphlet.

How do I format a footnote for a pamphlet in Chicago style (notes-bibliography)?

The citation of a pamphlet in a Chicago-style footnote is formatted similar to that of a book. The footnote should include the name(s) of the author(s) or organization who wrote the pamphlet, the title of the pamphlet, any available publisher details, and the year of publication.

If the information available for a pamphlet does not match the typical fields of a “book” citation, make sure to include as much information as needed to help readers find your original source.


  1. Author’s First Name Last Name OR Organization Name, Title of the Pamphlet (Publisher City: Publisher Name, year of publication).


  1. William Smith, Easy Way of Learning (New York: Printing Press, 2018).