Use the following template or our APA Citation Generator to cite a podcast. For help with other source types, like books, PDFs, or websites, check out our other guides. To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator.

Reference list

Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.


Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). Title. Publication Title. Retrieved Date Accessed, from http://Website URL


BBC,. (2011). FR: Jennifer Saunders, Michelle Yeogh & Terry Jones. Front Row Weekly. Retrieved 12 October 2014, from

In-text citation

Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.


(Author Surname, Year Published)


She feels that her fatness has really held her back her whole life (BBC, 2011)

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How do I format an in-text citation for a podcast in APA style?

In general, the in-text citation in APA includes only the last name(s) of the contributors (or authors) and the publication year. The contributor for an audio, video, or audiovisual work depends on the type of media. For a podcast, the last name of the host or the executive producer should be used in the author’s place. Therefore, to cite a podcast in an in-text citation,  include the last name(s) of the host(s), or executive producer(s), and the year. If you cite a podcast series, include the beginning and the ending year of the podcast with a dash between the dates (Green, 2000-2020).

Below are templates and examples of how to format an in-text citation for a podcast in APA:


Narrative: Host’s Surname/Executive Producer’s Surname (Year)

Parenthetical: (Host’s Surname/Executive Producer’s Surname, Year)


Narrative: Raymond (2018)

Parenthetical: (Raymond, 2018)

How do I format a reference list entry for a podcast in APA style?

An APA reference list entry for a podcast should include the following elements: name of the podcast’s host(s), their role (in parentheses), the publication date of the episode (or span of years the podcast aired, if citing the podcast as a whole), the title of the podcast and the specific episode being cited, the episode number, a description of the podcast (in square brackets), production company, and URL (if available).

Note that the specific episode title should not be listed in quotation marks or italics. The title of the podcast, however, should be italicized in your citation.

The below template and example show how to cite a podcast episode in a reference list in APA style.


Host’s Last Name, First Initial. (Host). (Publication date). Episode title (Season #, Episode #) [Audio podcast episode]. In Podcast title. Production Company. URL


Imperioli, M., & Schirripa, S. (Hosts). (2021, December 20). Made in America (No. 91) [Audio podcast episode]. In Talking Sopranos. Podjams.